Our online group learning platform, powered by Sparkwise, a leader in online learning and career development, offers an engaging and interactive space for justice-impacted job seekers to build essential workplace skills.
Through live, one-hour sessions, participants can enhance their professional growth and career readiness.
• Build essential workplace skills by solving real-world problems and applying practical concepts.
• Collaborate and share feedback with peers to improve teamwork and enhance your learning experience.
• Improve workplace communication and relationships through interactive challenges and activities.
Whether you're focused on improving teamwork, boosting productivity, or strengthening professional skills, our online learning platform is designed to help you achieve your career goals.
Leading with the Answer
Transform your communication skills and take control of your career with "Leading with the Answer," a virtual group training session that combines Sparkwise’s cutting-edge content with the second chance employment expertise of Khalil Osiris.
Using AI to Communicate with Impact
Step into the future of communication with "Using AI to Communicate with Impact," a virtual group training session that blends Sparkwise’s cutting-edge content with the second chance employment expertise of Khalil Osiris.
Giving Impactful Feedback
Master the art of offering constructive feedback with "Giving Impactful Feedback," a virtual group training session that combines Sparkwise’s innovative content with the second chance employment expertise of Khalil Osiris.
Tailoring Management Style
Learn how to navigate workplace dynamics with "Tailoring Management Style," a virtual group training session that combines Sparkwise’s expert-designed content with the second chance employment insights of Khalil Osiris.